Battery [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]
New - York Harbor from the Battery.
New York Harbor from the Battery
Lower New York & the Battery
View of the Bay of New York from the Battery
A View of the Battery and Harbour of New York, and the Ambuscade Frigate
Bay of New York, from the Battery
View of the Battery, New York
568 -- Battery and New York Harbor.
Bay of New York taken from the Battery
View of the Bay of New York from the Battery.
From the Battery
[The Battery and New York Harbor.]
Battery Park, New York.
Bay & Harbour of New York
No 68 -- View of the Battery and New York Harbor.
Greater New York. Off the Battery.
A plan of the City of New York from an actual survey in the year 1728, with the addition of modern names.
Battery, Lower End of Manhattan Island, New York.