The Odd-Fellows Chart.
Washington as a Mason.
Grand United Order of Odd - Fellows Chart.
The Officers of the Pacific Lodge 233, 1902 - 3 - 4.
The Ladder of Fortune.
Love is the Lightest.
Life and Age of Man. Stages of Man's Life from the Cradle to the Grave.
[Fork Over What You Owe.]
The Cream of Love.
The Life & Age of Man. Stages of Mans Life from the Cradle to the Grave
Masonic Temple New York
The Tree of Temperance.
The Tree of Intemperance.
Odd Fellows.
John Bull Makes a Discovery.
The Bad Man at the Hour of Death.
Souvenir of the Masonic Fair in Aid of the Asylum Fund
Masters of the 5th Masonic District.
Theatrical, Masonic Order (Theatrical Branch).