The Odd-Fellows Chart.
Washington as a Mason.
Grand United Order of Odd - Fellows Chart.
The Officers of the Pacific Lodge 233, 1902 - 3 - 4.
The Ladder of Fortune.
Love is the Lightest.
Life and Age of Man. Stages of Man's Life from the Cradle to the Grave.
[Fork Over What You Owe.]
The Cream of Love.
The Tree of Temperance.
Masonic Temple New York
The Life & Age of Man. Stages of Mans Life from the Cradle to the Grave
The Tree of Intemperance.
Odd Fellows.
The Bad Man at the Hour of Death.
Souvenir of the Masonic Fair in Aid of the Asylum Fund
John Bull Makes a Discovery.
Masters of the 5th Masonic District.
Theatrical, Masonic Order (Theatrical Branch).