The Great East River Suspension Brige.
The Great East River Suspension Bridge.
The Great Fire at Chicago, Octr. 8th 1871.
The Great Fire at Boston
Black Bass Spearing
Prairie Fires of the Great West
The Bridge, at the Outlet.
The Great Fire at Boston: November 9th & 10th 1872
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Investigating a Smoke.
The New Suspension Bridge - Niagara Falls.
The Life of a Fireman.
The Great International Boat Race Aug. 27th 1869
Night by the Camp-Fire.
Genl. Meagher at the Battle of Fair Oaks Va., June 1st 1862.
Darktown Fire Brigade. The Chief, On Duty.
View of the Great Conflagration at New York July 19th 1845.