Wall Street and Nassau Street. U.S. Sub Treasury
[U.S. Sub-Treasury.]
U.S. Treasury Building, Wall and Nassau Streets
U.S. Sub-Treasury, N.Y. City.
U. S. Sub-Treasury, N. Y. City.
U. S. Sub - Treasury, N. Y. City.
Wall Street corner Nassau Street. Gillender Building.
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church. Memorial to Captain Percival Drayton U.S. Navy, commanded the Monitor
U. S. Sub Treasury Wall St. New York City.
Sub-Treasury at Nassau and Wall Street. Here stood Federal Hall.
[U.S. Courthouse.]
90 Church Street. U.S. Federal Building and Post Office
[Wall Street and the Sub-Treasury.]
Centre Street and Pearl Street. U.S. Federal Courthouse. Interior, judges chambers
Centre Street and Pearl Street. U.S. Federal Courthouse. Interior, entrance lobby