Brig.- Genl. Michael Corcoran.
Brig. Genl. Michael Corcoran.
Col. Max Weber
Brig. Gen. Louis Blenker.
Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth.
Major Genl. John E. Wool.
Brig.- Gen. Irwin McDowell.
Com. Andrew H. Foote.
Gallant Charge of the "Sixty Ninth"
Brig.-Genl. W. S. Rosecrans.
Capture of Roanoke Island, Feby. 8th 1862.
Majr. Genl. George G. Meade.
General Stoneman's Great Cavalry Raid, May 1863.
The Death of "Stonewall" Jackson.
Bombardment and Capture of Island "Number Ten."
The Battle of the Wilderness Va. May 5th & 6th 1864.
Majr. Genl. N. P. Banks.
Major Gen. Benj. F. Butler.
Battle of Coal Harbor Va. June 1st 1864.