Major Genl. Henry W. Halleck.
Majr. Genl. N. P. Banks.
Lieut. Genl. U. S. Grant.
Lieut. Genl. Ulysses S. Grant.
Majr. Genl. Ambrose E. Burnside.
Major Genl. Henry W. Halleck, U.S.A.
Genl. William T. Sherman.
Lieut. Genl. William T. Sherman
Major Genl. John E. Wool.
Brig. Genl. Michael Corcoran.
Brig.- Genl. Michael Corcoran.
Major-Genl. Joseph Hooker.
Brig. Genl. Franz Siegel.
Brig.-Genl. W. S. Rosecrans.
The Battle of the Wilderness Va. May 5th & 6th 1864.
The Battle at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th, 1862.
Genl. Shields at the Battle of Winchester, Va. 1862.
Battle of Coal Harbor Va. June 1st 1864.