Washington Family.
William Henry Harrison
William A. Graham
"Hove To" For a Pilot.
[Houses Near 94th Street, Including Home of Dr. Valentine Mott]
Louis Kossuth
The Celebrated Horse Lexington (5 Yrs. Old) by "Boston" Out of "Alice Carneal."
Genl. William T. Sherman.
Mrs. Valentine Mott (Louisa Dunmore Munn)
William Tell.
William F. Johnston
Mr. William H. Vanderbilt's Celebrated Team Small Hopes and Lady Mac.
Freedom of the City of New York in Casket given to Dr. F.A. Cooke.
Thomas Corwin
Major Genl. Henry W. Halleck.
The Military College of Chapultepec.
Residence, Dr. Jacoby.
Death of Napoleon.
Genl. William F. Packer