[Horatio Seymour.]
Horatio Seymour.
National Democratic Banner of Victory, 1868
Hon. John Bell
Gen. Winfield S. Hancock.
A. Lincoln.
Hon. Horace Greeley, Our Next President.
James Buchanan.
James Buchanan
Hon. James G. Blaine. Republican Candidate for 22nd. President of the United States.
James K. Polk.
Major Genl. John E. Wool.
Majr. Genl. N. P. Banks.
Lieut. Genl. William T. Sherman
Brig.-Genl. W. S. Rosecrans.
Brig.- Gen. Irwin McDowell.
Genl. William T. Sherman.
Millard Fillmore
Wm. O. Butler