Death of President Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln
President Lincoln at Home
Abraham Lincoln, the Nation's Martyr.
The Assassination of President Lincoln
A. Lincoln.
A Nation's Loss;
The Body of the Martyr President, Abraham Lincoln
Death of Genl. Andrew Jackson.
Death of Genl. Z. Taylor, 12th President of the United States.
President Lincoln and Secretary Seward Signing the Proclamation of Freedom
Excessively rare portrait of Abraham Lincoln published by Currier and Ives, 1860.
Lincoln and his Family
Mrs. Lincoln.
The Funeral of President Lincoln, New York, April 25th 1865.
Washington and Lincoln.
Running the "Machine":
[Special meeting of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York to mourn the death of Abraham Lincoln on April 18.]
Death of Daniel O'Connell.