John Brown - The Martyr.
Fort Sumter.
John Brown.
Capture and Fall of Charleston, S.C. Feby. 18th 1865.
Interior of Fort Sumter.
Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor.
The Siege of Charleston.
The Great Fight at Charleston S.C. April 7th 1863.
Plan of the Siege of Charleston in S. Carolina
The Rescue.
Marion's Brigade Crossing the Pedee River, S.C. 1778.
John C. Heenan, Champion of the World.
The Gallant Charge of the Fifty Fourth Massachusetts (Colored) Regiment.
Aiken S.C.
Sergeant Jasper, of Charleston.
Park in the Pines, Aiken S.C.
Calhoun Mounument, Charleston, S.C.
Hon. Charles Sumner.