Whale Fishery.
The Whale Fishery.
The Whale Fishery "Laying On."
Sinking of the British Battle Ship Victoria Off Tripoli, Syria, June 22, 1893
The Sperm Whale "in a Flurry."
Burning of the Steamship "Golden Gate," July 27. 1862.
Burning of the Palace Steamer Robert E. Lee.
American Whalers Crushed in the Ice.
American Whaler.
The Sinking of the Steamship Ville du Havre
Burning of the Ocean Monarch of Boston.
Wreck of the Ship John Minturn
Burning of the Clipper Ship "Golden Light."
The Wreck of the Steam Ship "San Francisco."
Loss of the Steamboat Swallow
The Darktown Yacht Club - Hard Up For a Breeze.
The Life of a Sportsman.
Wreck of the U.S.M. Steam Ship "Arctic."
The Bell - Y Punch.
Camping Out.