A Jolly Jumper
A Swell Sport on a Buffalo Hunt.
First at the Rendezvous.
A Change of Base.
Darktown Tourists - Coming Back On Their Dig.
A Blackfish Nibble !
The Horse That Died on the Man's Hands.
Getting a Foot.
A Walking Match Between Two Editors
The Bric - A - Brac Mania.
[Group of Men Pursuing a Thief]
Mr. Milquetoast, a few minutes late for the curtain, misses the entire first act, rather than disturb the person next his aisle seat
Darktown Fire Brigade. The Chief, On Duty.
The Life of a Sportsman.
Happy Days Are Here Again
A Social Cup.
The Shoemaker's Circus.
A Darktown Donation Party, An Object Lesson.
The Last Supper.