A Side Wheeler "Bustin" a Trotter. ; Bolted ! ; The Horse Shed Stakes. ; Trotters on the Snow.
"A Spill Out" On The Snow
"Trotting Cracks" on the Snow
The Snow-Storm.
"We Parted on the Hillside 'Amid the Winter's Snow.'"
"A Crack Trotter," in the Harness of the Period.
"We Parted on the Hillside "Amid the Winter's Snow."
A Side Wheeler "Bustin" a Trotter.
"A Crack Trotter," Between the Heats.
Ride to School. ; Christmas Snow.
The Sleigh Race.
The Old Farm House.
Winter Morning in the Country.
Pleasures of the Country.
Waking Up the Old Mare
The Horse Shed Stakes.
The Deacon's Mare.
An American Winter Scene. ; Ruins of Cheptow Castle. South Wales.
[Uncut proof sheet for 20 cigar advertising cards.]