The Cedars of Lebanon.
Burning of the Henry Clay Near Yonkers.
Col. Harney at the Dragoon Fight at Medelin, Near Vera Cruz.
The Life & Age of Woman.
U.S. Ship North Carolina, 102 Guns.
The Wedding.
The Clipper Yacht "America" of New York.
Pretty Poll.
The Steam Ship President, Lieut. Roberts R. N. Commander.
Steamship Hermann.
Colored Engravings for the People
The Gem of the Atlantic.
The Happy Family.
U.S. Ship of the Line Ohio, 104 Guns.
U. S. Ship, North Carolina, 102 Guns.
Steam - Boat Empire.
The Widower's Treasure.
Le Petit St. Jean. | El Chiquiito Sn. Juan.