The Sale of the Pet Lamb.
Wreck of the U.S.M. Steam Ship "Arctic."
Upper Canada College
Napoleon, the Hero of 100 Battles.
"Hove To" For a Pilot.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - To the Rescue!
The Steamship Washington, Capt. Fitch, Rescuing the Passengers of the Ship Winchester of Boston
The Darktown Hook and Ladder Corps.
Major Genl. John E. Wool.
Clipper Ship "Ocean Express."
The Life & Age of Woman.
Brig.- Gen. Irwin McDowell.
The Fruits of Temperance.
The Life & Age of Man. Stages of Mans Life from the Cradle to the Grave
Brig.-Genl. W. S. Rosecrans.
The Last Gun of the Arctic.
Captain of the Guard - 14th Conn. Regt - Burrell's Fort Ti - 8 January 1777.
The Birth Place of Genl. Frank Pierce.
James K. Polk, Eleventh President of the United States.