Hon. Horatio Seymour.
National Democratic Banner.
Grand National Democratic Banner.
Grand, National, Democratic Banner.
[Horatio Seymour.]
Horatio Seymour.
Grand, National, Whig Banner.
Grand, National, American Banner.
Grand Democratic Free Soil Banner
Grand National Republican Banner.
The "Last Ditch" of the Democratic Party.
The Bird to Bet On!
Gen. Winfield S. Hancock.
The Democracy in Search of a Candidate.
The Man of Words, The Man of Deeds, Which Do You Think the Country Needs?
The National Game. Three "Outs" and One "Run".
Red Hot Republicans on the Democratic Gridiron.
Honest Abe Taking Them On the Half Shell.
Hon. James G. Blaine. Republican Candidate for 22nd. President of the United States.