Dinner, Summit Club.
The Hudson-Fulton Celebration Banquet 1909
[Manhattan Club dinner.]
Restaurants, Columbus Circle, Beefsteak Supper in Rathskeller.
Dinner, Beefsteak in Log Cabin.
First Dinner of the Hobby Club of New-York at the Metropolitan Club
[Bronx Republican Club.]
Dinner in Honor of the British and French War Commissions Given by the Mayor of the City of New York
Gala Ball in honor of Their Royal Highnesses Infanta Doña Eulalia and Infante Don Antonio
Dramatic Club Dinner, Oct. 26th /02.
Dramatic Club Dinner, October 26th, 1902.
Luncheon, Engineer's Club, N.Y., Oct. 31 '03.
Second Dinner of the Hobby Club of New York
Dinner, Sherry's, Kettle Club.
The Engineers Club Fourth Annual Banquet
Coney Island Jockey Club
Annual Banquet of the Engineers Club