Steamship Hermann.
The Royal Mail Steam Ship "Australasian" 3100 Tons
Steam-Ship "Pereire".
Royal Mail Steam Ship, Asia.
Ships, Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. S.S. "Tagus".
Clipper Ship "Great Republic."
Steam - Boat Empire.
Ships, Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. S.S. "Avon".
The Steam Ship President, Lieut. Roberts R. N. Commander.
The Iron Steam Ship Great Britain.
Clipper Ship Dreadnought Off Tuskar Light
The Steamship Washington, Capt. Fitch, Rescuing the Passengers of the Ship Winchester of Boston
United States Mail Steamer "Arago." Bill of Fare
The "Great Eastern."
Colon, Waterfront.
North German Lloyd. Cabin Passenger List of the German and U.S. Mail Steamship "Donau".