Twin-Screw Steamer "Pennsylvania" of the Hamburg-American Line.
U.S. Battleship "Maine"
U.S. Armored Cruiser "Maine"
U.S. Battleship "Indiana"
U.S. Battleship "Iowa"
U.S. Battleship "Massachusetts"
U.S. Battleship Illinois.
U.S. Sea - Going Battleship "Massachusetts"
The Narragansett Steamship Co's Steamer Providence of the Fall River Line, Capt. B. M. Simmons.
Invitation to the launching of the U.S. Armored Cruiser "Maine"
Large Guns on U.S. Battleship Kearsarge.
Steam-Ship "Pereire".
Clipper Ship, Three Brothers.
American Coast Scene, Desert Rock Light House, Maine.
Welcome Admiral Geo. Dewey U.S.N.
U.S. Post Office, New York.
Steamship Egypt of the National Line.