All Wrong!
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Investigating a Smoke.
The First Trot of the Season.
La Cigarita. ; A Capital Cigar. ; The Jolly Smoker. ; Tip Top! ; A Sociable Smoke. ; Perfect Bliss. ; Jockey Club. ; Good Luck to Ye. ; The Pet of the Fancy. ; Please Give Me a Light Sir.
Cupid's Own. ; No, No, Fido! ; The Young Cadets. ; Taking It Easy. ; High Toned. ; Where Do You Buy Your Cigars? ; A Crack Shot. ; Taking Breath. ; The Queen's Own. ; A Smoking Run.
The Smoker's Promenade.
Carlo's First Lesson.
The Morning Prayer.
The First Ride.
The First Care.
The Spirit of the Union.
The Barefoot Boy
The First Snow.
The Little Mechanic
The Life of a Fireman.
A Genuine Havana.
The Chances of Billiards.
The Little Drummer Boy
Taking It Easy.
The Great Fire at St. John, N.B. June 20th 1877.