[Henry Kolker as Joseph Hofer in "The Great Name".]
[Harry Mestayer, Gertrude Dallas, Henry Kolker, and Louise Hudson Collier in "The Great Name".]
[An out-of-town production of "Other People's Money".]
[Jane Marbury in "Our Children".]
[Jacob and Betty Jacobs in an unidentified production.]
[Alma Tell in "Our Children".]
[James Pritchett as Andrew Jorgenson in an out-of-town production of "Other People's Money".]
[Frank Craven as the Stage Manager in "Our Town".]
Amatuer Productions, "Our Boys".
[Sarah Churchill and Jeffrey Lynn in an out-of-town production of "The Philadelphia Story".]
[Claude Rains as Wang Lung and Henry Travers as Wang Lung's Father in "The Good Earth".]
[The wedding scene of "Our Town".]
Amateur Productions, Henry Street Settlement "The Children of Bethlehem".
Amatuer Productions, Henry Street Settlement "The Children of Bethlehem".
[Wedding scene from "Our Town".]
[Tony Lo Bianco as Lawrence Garfinkle in an out-of-town production of "Other People's Money".]
[Hannah Hollander and Jacob Jacobs in an unidentified production.]
[Unidentified actor in "Claudia".]
[Lazar Fred in an unidentified production.]