[New York Fire Department certification of appointment.]
[Certificate of appointment of Thomas Coman to New York City Fire Department.]
[Certificate of Appointment to Stephen Van Wyck, New York Volunteer Fire Department]
[New York Fire Department certification of service.]
[Certificate of Charles Hester, for his duty in the Fire Department in Long Island City.]
New York from Brooklyn Heights 6th August 1778
These are to Certify that Peter Thompson is pursuant to Law nominated and appointed one of the Firemen of the City of New York. July 5, 1787.
New York Harbor from Hobuck N Jersey Shore, drawn by Archibald Robertson
Wall Street [Temple Street to Wall Street]
[Certificate certifying Thomas Coman as a fire man.]
View of the Opening of Our Batterys at Hell Gate Upon the Rebel Works at Walton's House on the Island of N. York 8 Septr. 1776.
Grand Canal Celebration
Harlem Lane [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
Drawell at Morrissania
Fire Department
[Certificate of appointment as fireman of the City of New York.]
Alexander Hamilton
Marriage Certificate