Police Department, City of New York. Home Defense League
American Defense Society
Lest We Perish
The Schools and the Third Liberty Loan
The American Ambulance in Russia
Allied Theatrical & Motion Picture Ball, American Red Cross 2nd War Fund;;
Can You Drive a Car? Will You Drive One in France? Immediate Service at the Front!
To Make the World Safe For Democracy - We Are One
Liberty Loan - V
State of New York Military Census and Inventory of 1917
Victory Liberty Loan
Lend Him a Hand
Registration Certificate
Grand Complimentary Ball in Honor of the Vigilance Committee
Help New York Win the Right to Fly This Flag
The General Society of Colonial Wars has caused these presents to be issued to Rev. Wm. Henry Owen, Jr.
[American flag.]
United War Work Campaign - 7
Give her the Key to Lock him up
Say Folks!