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76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, under construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. 76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, interior [during] construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. 76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, interior [during] construction.

76th Street and Lexington Avenue. Saint Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, construction.

Accession number X2010.7.1.4083 
Unique identifier MNY237642 
Dated ca. 1908 
Physical dimensions Width: 10 in
Height: 8 in 
Signif Assoc Miller-Reed Company
File dimensions 20.2 in × 16.2 in at 300dpi
51.3 cm × 41.3 cm at 300dpi 

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