Daniel Giraud Elliot
National Academy of the Arts of Design
[Daniel Giraud Elliot.]
National Institute of Social Sciences - Dignus Honore - Alfred E. Smith
National Academy of Design, XXII Annual Exhibition
The Republican National Committee
[James M. Hart.]
Usher - Bryan Reception
First Anniversary of the Washington Union, No. 2, Daughters of Temperance.
A National Apprehension and a National Opportunity
The Linnaean Society of New York
[Alexandra Tolstaya, founder of the Tolstoy Foundation.]
Audience survey questionnaire for "It Can't Happen Here".
Federal Theatre Project Statement by Mrs. Hallie Flanagan, National Director.
The General Society of Colonial Wars has caused these presents to be issued to Rev. Wm. Henry Owen, Jr.
With Malice Toward None, With Charity For All
"...one third of a nation".
Heads of the Democracy.
Youth of America Strike Against War