108-112 Livingston Street . Brooklyn Union Gas. Co. Demonstration Building.
108 Livingston Street. Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Demonstration Building.
Brooklyn Union Gas Co., demonstration building, cooking class.
Brooklyn Union Gas Company, emergency station.
Brooklyn Union Gas Company, appliance department, downstairs.
Brooklyn Union Gas Company, appliance department, upstairs.
Demonstrating use of Pulmotor in Brooklyn, Union Gas Co. Emergency Station Exterior.
176 Remsen Street. Brooklyn Union Gas Co.
Fulton Street. Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Appliance Department. Dynamo room.
Brooklyn Union Gas. Co., Pulmotor in action.
Brooklyn Union Gas.
Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Appliance Department. Upstairs general view.
Central Union Gas Company display window
Courtland Avenue and 148th Street. Central Union Gas Company, interior.