25 Broad Street at Exchange Place. Broad Exchange Building.
Trinity Place. New York Curb Exchange.
Broad Street Curb Exchange
119 Broad Street. Office, interior view.
[Broad Street and Curb Exchange.]
View of partitions in Broad Street Telephone Building.
119 Broad Street. Building, exterior view.
15 Broad Street. Luncheon Club, interior view of windows.
25 Broad Street, S.E. corner of Exchange Place. City Investing Co., exterior on roof.
25 Broad Street, S.E. corner of Exchange Place. City Investing Co., exterior on roof, detail looking N.E. of Broad and penthouse.
25 Broad Street, S.E. corner of Exchange Place. City Investing Co., interior.
Broad Street and Exchange Place. Blair Building, exterior taken from south.