[New York Fire Department certification of appointment.]
[New York Fire Department certification of service.]
[Certificate of appointment of Thomas Coman to New York City Fire Department.]
[Certificate of Appointment to Stephen Van Wyck, New York Volunteer Fire Department]
[Certificate of Charles Hester, for his duty in the Fire Department in Long Island City.]
Marriage Certificate
Marriage Certificate.
[Certificate certifying Thomas Coman as a fire man.]
[Seventh Regiment of the New York State Militia certificate honoring Lt. Noah L. Farnham.]
[Certificate of membership for the Ladies Loyal Union League.]
[Common Council of the City of New York certificate commemorating Col. William D. Kennedy of the Tammany Regiment "Jackson Guard".]
Monument of the New York Fire Department
New York Fire Department
Metropolitan Fire Department
Chief, and Assistant, Engineers, of the New York Fire Department, 1857 & 8
Fire Department.
Fire Department, City of New York
[New York Fire Department Water Tower.]
New York Fire Department Relief Fund
New York Fire Department - Zouave Committee