Old Earthworks on Chittenden's Estate - West Angle of Fort.
Remains of Cock Hill Fort, N.Y. 1858.
[Florists on east side of Fort Washington Avenue.]
Fort Washington, Washington Heights, New York City.
View of the Tavern on the Road to King's Bridge Near Fort Washington
The Narrows, from Fort Hamilton
[Historic monument on Bennett Estate, Fort Washington Avenue.]
New York. Taken from the North west angle of Fort Columbus, Governor's Island
[Looking east from Fort Washing.]
Fort Edward.
Fort Pickens.
[Entrance to the Billings Estate, Fort Tryon.]
[Gardener's cottage on Billings Estate.]
Abbey Inn & Fort Tryon, New York.
Remains of Cock Hill Fort N.Y. 1858.
[Billings Estate, Fort Tryon Park.]
#9 Fort Jay at Governor's Island.
[Fort Washington Park.]
Remains of Fort George N.Y. 1857.