New York University, Edw. N. Gibbs memorial X-ray Laboratory, plate exhibit room.
Washington Square. New York University. Interior, biology laboratory, Room 656, Main Building
Hospital. Interior, x-ray room
New York University, Havemeyer Laboratory, Butler Hall and Language Hall.
Rendering for proposed Memorial Library for New York University.
New York Hospital. Biological Laboratory.
New York University. University Heights campus. Library doors, Stanford White memorial
338 East 26th Street. New York University, exterior of Carnegie Laboratory.
Dentist Laboratory, locker Room.
Grand Street Settlement House. Gibbs Memorial
1285 6th Avenue. Equitable Life Assurance Society, x-ray laboratory, medical department, 7th floor.
Bellevue Hospital, X-Ray Department. [Interior of X-Ray Department.]
Lying-In Hospital, Emma Hartley Memorial Research Laboratory.
New York University, University Heights Campus. Library
Pavelle Laboratories, interior view, customer's room.
New York University, auditorium, interior.
Pavelle Laboratories, interior view, counting room.
New York University. University Heights campus. Gymnasium