5th Avenue at the S.W. corner of 40th Street. Knox Building.
[40th Street and 5th Avenue.]
5th Avenue and 40th Street. View looking N.E. from 39th Street at Arnold Constable Co. store.
280 Madison Avenue and 40th Street, S.W. corner. Office building.
259 5th Avenue. Law Building.
N.E. corner 40th Street and Madison Avenue. [Architectural model of a building.]
330 5th Avenue and 33rd Street, S.W. corner. Astor Building, 5th Avenue front, lower stories.
30th Street and 5th Avenue. Holland House.
[West 40th Street, looking toward 5th Avenue.]
385 5th Avenue and 36th Street, S.E. corner. Office building.
View looking through 40th Street from 5th Avenue.
379 5th Avenue. Office building.
391 5th Avenue. Gunther Building.
40th Street and 5th Avenue. Murphy Door Bed Co.
5th Avenue at 34th Street, N.W. corner. Bowery Bank Building.
34th Street and 5th Avenue. Knickerbocker Trust and Columbia Trust.