"No, I don't think there's a children's camp around here. Why?"
"That's probably the silliest sign I've seen."
("That? Oh, that's nothing. Just something I was fooling around with."]
"That Berhnheim's an anglophile if I ever saw one."
"'You mean it isn't even raining yet?"
[Men looking at a turtle that has "A Cleopatra de Marc Anthony" painted in its' shell.]
[Man in office under sign that reads "Scheme".]
"This may not be as tough as we figured.."
[Woman looking at a model of a church that has miniature bats flying around the steeple.]
[Man discovering that people are building an igloo in his freezer.]
"Hold it, you [may?] get your birdie yet."
"For goodness sake, stop that chattering and let your father think."
"... And now George Penbrook, here is the wife you haven't seen in eighteen years."
"I think Wesselman's hit on something interesting."
"I Don't Have to Get Mine that Way!"
"I have this dreadful urge to be merry."
[Mishap at the golf course.]
[Unicorns watching the ark depart.]
[While a wife is engrossed in the television, her husband bricks up the doorway.]
[Policeman discovering men playing chess in the snow.]