"'You mean it isn't even raining yet?"
[Man smoking in maternity ward waiting room calmly watching doctors and nurses run in fear out of the ward.]
Noah's Ark.
"That's probably the silliest sign I've seen."
[While a wife is engrossed in the television, her husband bricks up the doorway.]
[Mishap at the golf course.]
[Policeman discovering men playing chess in the snow.]
[Secretary suprised by tiny musicians climbing out of the muzak speaker.]
[Postman opens rural post box of "The Browns" and finds the family there.]
"Sorry folks but the closing time is at five."
"... And now George Penbrook, here is the wife you haven't seen in eighteen years."
"I don't know, somehow that's not the way I pictured it."
[Aftermath of a fisherman catching the tentacle of an octupus.]
[Woman looking at a model of a church that has miniature bats flying around the steeple.]
Noah's Ark
[Cleaning woman surprised by small man leaving computer by a hatch door.]
"That Berhnheim's an anglophile if I ever saw one."
[Young boy in diapers.]