Bird Sanctuary.
[Aftermath of a fisherman catching the tentacle of an octupus.]
[Woman startled by hands coming out of a pile of carpets.]
[Man smoking in maternity ward waiting room calmly watching doctors and nurses run in fear out of the ward.]
[Roof of Notre Dame with gargoyles and tourists]
Entering Death Valley.
[Mishap at the golf course.]
"Sorry folks but the closing time is at five."
"'You mean it isn't even raining yet?"
[Cleaning woman surprised by small man leaving computer by a hatch door.]
"I have this dreadful urge to be merry."
"This may not be as tough as we figured.."
[Men looking at a turtle that has "A Cleopatra de Marc Anthony" painted in its' shell.]
[While a wife is engrossed in the television, her husband bricks up the doorway.]
[Man pulling up a rock.]
[Policemen discovering three boys driving through a hole they made in a tree.]
[Turbaned golf caddy handing an Aladdin lamp to a golfer.]
[Young boy in diapers.]
("That? Oh, that's nothing. Just something I was fooling around with."]
[Woman looking at a model of a church that has miniature bats flying around the steeple.]