[Certificate of membership to the Marine Temperance Society of the Port of New York.]
First Anniversary of the Washington Union, No. 2, Daughters of Temperance.
[Sons of Temperance neckpiece.]
[Sons of Temperance apron.]
Constitution and By-Laws of the Volunteer Firemen's Association of the City of New York
Sons of Temperance.
Constitution and By-Laws of the Municipal Police Aid Association of the City of New York
The Tree of Temperance.
The Bible and Temperance.
The Fruits of Temperance.
Temperance Banquet Under the Auspices of the N.Y. Vegetarian Society, complimentary to the Whole World's Temperance Convention.
Son of Temperance.
Charter of the Marine Society of the City of New-York, in the State of New-York
[Testimonial to attendance, deportment and recitation.]
Dinner Tendered to Honorable Herbert H. Lehman, Lieutenant-Governor of the State of New York by the Harmonie Club
U.S. Revenue Cutter Service. Line of Cadets.
Annual Ball of the New York Cadets, First Company