Graduating Exercises of the Class of 1882, Grammar School, No. 47
[Appointment to Assistant Teacher in Grammar School No. 92.]
Grammar School of Columbia-College
Grammar School of Columbia College
Annual Commencement of the Boys' Department, Public School No. 32
Commencement Exercises, Public School No. 70
Public School 67. Closing Exercises
Henry St. Grammar School
Graduation Exercises of Public School 64
Commencement. Soireè Musicale, at the Spingler Institute
Order of Exercises for Commencement at the Spingler Institute
Washington Irving High School Programme of Graduating Exercises
[Report of Sylvan Katz and certification of his graduation from Public School 10B.]
Mrs. Van Norman. At Home.
Public School No. 116, New York.
Second Annual Banquet of the Associate Alumni of the Male Department of Grammar School No. 14
A Good Girl.