Act of Incorporation, Constitution and By-Laws of the Fire Department, of the City of New York
By-Laws of Knickerbocker Fire Engine Company, No. 12
Fire Department, City of New York
City Departments, Fires & Firefighting, Fire Engine No. 72.
New York Fire Department Relief Fund
[Certificate of appointment of Thomas Coman to New York City Fire Department.]
[Horse-drawn fire engine outside the fire station of Engine 30]
[Resolution that each active member of the New York Fire Department will be assessed twenty cents by Companies.]
New York Fire Department
Special Meeting of the Board of Engineers and Foremen at Fireman's Hall on March 13, 1860
[Headquarters for the Metropolitan Fire Department.]
Special Meeting of the Board of Engineers and Foremen at Fireman's Hall on June 13, 1859
[Horse-drawn fire engine.]
Code of Laws of Knickerbocker Fire Engine Company No. XII
[Fire Department of New York's Aerial Hook and Ladder truck.]
New Motor Propelled Fire Engine, New York
Fire Engine at Work, New York
[Resolution that no person will be confirmed as a member of the New York Fire Department unless he can read and write English.]