Special Meeting of the Board of Engineers and Foremen at Fireman's Hall on June 13, 1859
[Meeting to discuss a petition to the Common Council for all Engine, Hose, and Hook and Ladder Houses to be lit with gas at the public expense.]
[Resolution that each active member of the New York Fire Department will be assessed twenty cents by Companies.]
[Request to make a full and complete roll of all the members of Company in accordance with the New Badge Ordinance.]
An Ordinance for the Better Regulation of the Firemen of the City of New York
[Requirement to furnish the Board of Fire Commissioners with a correct list of all the members of the hose company.]
[Reception of Hibernia Engine Company No. 1 of Philadelphia.]
[Resolution that no person will be confirmed as a member of the New York Fire Department unless he can read and write English.]
[Notification of accommodations provided by Smithsonian House.]
Fireman's Hall New York Erected AD 1854.
[Fireman at desk]
[Engine Company 13.]
Eighteenth Annual Ball of Jackson Engine Co., 21
Mercer Street [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
20 Truck 08 [Fireman with horse]
Batt. Chief Worth of the 3rd Battalion instructing Capt. Jenning of H & L Co. No. 20. March 1908.
By-Laws of Board of Engineers and Foremen of the New York Fire Department
Engine Co. 30, 1908
[Special meeting of Laurel Hose Company No. 30.]