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An Ordinance for the Better Regulation of the Firemen of the City of New York

An Ordinance for the Better Regulation of the Firemen of the City of New York

[Requirement to furnish the Board of Fire Commissioners with a correct list of all the members of the hose company.]

[Requirement to furnish the Board of Fire Commissioners with a correct list of all the members of the hose company.]

[Resolution that no person will be confirmed as a member of the New York Fire Department unless he can read and write English.]

[Resolution that no person will be confirmed as a member of the New York Fire Department unless he can read and write English.]

[Resolution that each active member of the New York Fire Department will be assessed twenty cents by Companies.]

[Resolution that each active member of the New York Fire Department will be assessed twenty cents by Companies.]

Special Meeting of the Board of Engineers and Foremen at Fireman's Hall on June 13, 1859

Special Meeting of the Board of Engineers and Foremen at Fireman's Hall on June 13, 1859

Special Meeting of the Board of Engineers and Foremen at Fireman's Hall on March 13, 1860

Special Meeting of the Board of Engineers and Foremen at Fireman's Hall on March 13, 1860

[Meeting to discuss a petition to the Common Council for all Engine, Hose, and Hook and Ladder Houses to be lit with gas at the public expense.]

[Meeting to discuss a petition to the Common Council for all Engine, Hose, and Hook and Ladder Houses to be lit with gas at the public expense.]

[Reception of Hibernia Engine Company No. 1 of Philadelphia.]

[Reception of Hibernia Engine Company No. 1 of Philadelphia.]

Key No. 2902C is hereby issued to Theophilus Holmes of No. 17 East 133rd Street

Key No. 2902C is hereby issued to Theophilus Holmes of No. 17 East 133rd Street

[Notification of accommodations provided by Smithsonian House.]

[Notification of accommodations provided by Smithsonian House.]

[Reception in honor of the centennial of the organization of Lafayette Engine Company No. 19.]

[Reception in honor of the centennial of the organization of Lafayette Engine Company No. 19.]

[Certificate of appointment of Thomas Coman to New York City Fire Department.]

[Certificate of appointment of Thomas Coman to New York City Fire Department.]

Fire Department, City of New York

Fire Department, City of New York

Presented to James S. Norton in Appreciation of Meritorious Performance of Duty as a Fireman

Presented to James S. Norton in Appreciation of Meritorious Performance of Duty as a Fireman

Respectfully Dedicated to Americus Engine Company No. 6 of the City of New York

Respectfully Dedicated to Americus Engine Company No. 6 of the City of New York

Veteran Volunteer Firemen of the City of Brooklyn

Veteran Volunteer Firemen of the City of Brooklyn

[Certificate certifying Thomas Coman as a fire man.]

[Certificate certifying Thomas Coman as a fire man.]

Testimonial Dinner to the members of Engine Company 20 F.D.N.Y.

Testimonial Dinner to the members of Engine Company 20 F.D.N.Y.

Act of Incorporation, Constitution and By-Laws of the Fire Department, of the City of New York

Act of Incorporation, Constitution and By-Laws of the Fire Department, of the City of New York

Erection of a Memorial Monument to Volunteer Firemen

Erection of a Memorial Monument to Volunteer Firemen

[Request to make a full and complete roll of all the members of Company in accordance with the New Badge Ordinance.]

Accession number 50.29.2 
Unique identifier MNY131140 
Description Addressed to James H. Arnold, Foreman of Hose Company No. 30 on December 19, 1859 by the Board of Fire Commissioners. 
Dated 1859 
Object Type circular letter
Physical dimensions H x W 9 3/4 x 7 3/4 in 
File dimensions 14.4 in × 18.3 in at 300dpi
36.8 cm × 46.5 cm at 300dpi 

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