Second Annual Fancy Dress Ball of the Madison Club
Jackson Fire Engine Company 24 Tenth Annual Ball
Annual Ball of the Washington Fire Engine Co. No. 20
Annual Hop of Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. XII
Annual Hop of Engine Company No. XII
Second Annual Ball of Cataract Engine Company, No. 25
Annual Hop of the Perry Hose Co. No. 23
Annual Hop, Perry Hose Co. No. 23
First Annual Hop of the Liberty Engine Co. No. 50
Eighteenth Annual Ball of Jackson Engine Co., 21
Thirteenth Annual Soiree of Howard Engine Co., No. 34
First Annual Hop, Perry Association
Terpsichore Military and Civic Assembly
Niagara Engine Company, 4
W. R. Taylor's Benefit Grand Fancy Dress Ball
Dodworth Ball
Annual Invitation Ball of the Jas. Dunphy Association
Ninth Annual Ball of Lexington Engine Company, No. 7
Ball of the Terpsichore Club
Seventh Annual Ball of Washington Association