East 67th Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. George Gould residence.
[East 67th Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. George Gould residence.]
857 5th Avenue and 67th Street, N.E. corner. Wm. H. Vanderbilt [Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt II?] residence, formerly George Gould residence, general view.
67th Street at the southeast corner of 5th Avenue. Looking south at north gable wall to 854 5th Avenue and bay in rear of 2 East 67th Street.
10 East 67th Street. Residence.
33 East 67th Street. Residence.
East 67th Street and Fifth Avenue, northeast corner. George Gould residence
43 East 67th Street. Brownstone residence.
856 5th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 67th Street. Residence of Judge Elbert T. Gary.
Geo. Gould's Residence (5th Ave. 67th St.)
67th Street at the southeast corner of 5th Avenue. Looking S.E. at westerly section of basement wall to 2 East 67th Street.
5th Avenue and 68th Street. Whitney Residence.
13 East 67th Street. Martin Beck residence.
5th Avenue and 86th Street. Starr residence.
91st Street and 5th Avenue. Kahn residence.
41 East 67th Street.
Park Avenue between 67th and 68th Street. Hunter College.