Barnum's American Museum. Thursday, January 31, 1861. Great increase of attractions! Old Adams' California menagerie and others
Wonder of the world! For one week more! Every day and evening this week, commencing on Monday, August 22, the real mermaid!
This evening, Wednesday, January 15, 1851, for the benefit of Mr. Hadaway, the distinguished comedian of this establishment, will be performed a feast of comedy, to begin with "The Comedy of Errors"
P.T. Barnum & Co.'s greatest show on earth and Adam Forepaugh's greatest and all new feature show. Consolidated for a few days only. Commencing Monday, April 4
Third week of the palace of amusement! Program for the week commencing Monday, November 1
Every evening at 8 and Saturday matinee at 1:30 for the week ending December 8, 1877, Frank Marshall's charming comedy-drama, "False Shame"
This Monday evening, February 9, the performance will commence with the petite comedy, entitled "Two Can Play At That Game"
Twelfth season of the original Father Kemp's Mammoth Old Folks Concert Company, Monday evening, November 19 and every evening during the week
Friday and Saturday, April 2 and 3, 1858, the drama adapted from Mrs. Southworth's Ledger story, by Mr. H. Watkins, entitled "The Bride of an Evening; or, Circumstantial Evidence"
Last week but one of "Ixion", preceded by the farce of "The Quiet Family" for the Christmas holidays
The incomprehensible and interesting entertainment of Mr. Robert Heller will continue Monday, May 2, and every evening
Engagement of Miss Bateman, who will on this Wednesday evening, October 6, 1869, and every evening except Saturday, appear in her celebrated and original character of "Leah" in the drama of that name
Italian opera at Castle Garden. Positively last week of season. Benefit of Sig. C. Badiali, Monday evening, September 15, in "I Puritani e i "Cavalieri"
Re-opening! Engagement for a limited period of the distinguished English comedian, Mr. J. L. Toole, who will make his first appearance in America on Monday evening, August 17, 1874
Glorious attractions for St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday evening, March 17, 1857. "Jack Sheppard" and "Karmel the Scout; or, The Rebels of the Jerseys"
"Our Girls", every evening during the week ending November 15, 1879
Grand opening night, Monday evening, October 4, during the week and Saturday matinee
Monday evening, September 27, 1847, the entertainments will commence with "The School for Scandal"
Mr. Macready, first night of his farewell engagement, in "Hamlet", Monday evening, September 16, 1844