Hester Street corner of Elizabeth Street. Office, interior.
157 Hester Street. Consolidated Gas Co.
[Essex and Hester streets.]
157 Hester Street. Interior of show rooms in Consolidated Gas Company offices.
Emergency station in Brooklyn, exterior.
[Looking south on Elizabeth Street toward Bayard Street.]
Brooklyn Union Gas Company, emergency station.
Baxter Street and Worth Street. Cantonment #1.
Baxter Street and Worth Street. Cantonment #2.
Baxter Street and Worth Street. Cantonment #3.
Baxter Street and Worth Street. Cantonment #4.
Hester Street, N.Y. City.
Canal Street and Bowery. Manhattan Savings Bank, view along Canal Street and rear from N.W., with Manhattan Bridge approach showing.
157 Hester Street. Consolidated Gas Company, interior.
Canal Street and Bowery. Manhattan Savings Bank, general front elevation.