Map of the original grants of village lots from the Dutch West India Company to the inhabitants of New-Amsterdam (now New-York) lying below the present line of Wall Street.
Map of the original grants of village lots from the Dutch West India Company to the inhabitants of New-Amsterdam (now New-York) lying below the present line of Wall Street : Grants commencing A.D. 164
Map of Original Grants of village lots from the Dutch West India Company to the Inhabitants of New - Amsterdam (now New York) lying below the present line of wall st.
Amsterdam in New Netherland The City of the Dutch West India Company
Map of the Dutch Grants
[Map of lots at intersection of Exchange Place and Broad Street]
Map of the City of New York, showing original high water line and the location of different Farms and Estates.
A Plan of the City of New York
Map of New Netherlands
The Towne of New York ; New York A. D. 1699
Plan of New Amsterdam about 1644
Plan of New Amsterdam About 1644
The Nicolls Map
A Plan of the City and Environs of New York as they were in the years 1742, 1743 and 1744. Drawn by D.G. in the 76th year of his age who had at this time a perfect & correct recollection of every part
[Map of lots from Bank Street, north to Fitzroy Road, from Greenwich Street east to Greenwich Lane, with lots partially indicated]
The Towne of New York