Burning of the Steamship "Golden Gate," July 27. 1862.
Burning of the Clipper Ship "Golden Light."
Burning of the Ocean Monarch of Boston.
Burning of the Palace Steamer Robert E. Lee.
The Darktown Yacht Club - Hard Up For a Breeze.
American Whaler.
The Whale Fishery.
Sinking of the British Battle Ship Victoria Off Tripoli, Syria, June 22, 1893
Wreck of the Ship John Minturn
Loss of the Steamboat Swallow
Nipped in the Ice.
The Horse for the Money.
"The Irrepressible Conflict".
Burning of the Henry Clay Near Yonkers.
Insured in the American Insurance Company of Newark, N.J. The Fire.- "Now then with a Will- Shake Her Up Boys!"
Admiral Farragut's Fleet Engaging the Rebel Batteries at Port Hudson, March, 14th 1863.
Twin-Screw Steamer "Pennsylvania" of the Hamburg-American Line.
The Banks of Doon.
The Sinking of the Steamship Ville du Havre
The Darktown Othello.