Bartlett & Green's Free and Bonded Warehouses and Elevators
The Floating Church of Our Saviour, for Seamen.
Park Hotel. On Broadway, Barclay & Vesey - Sts. New York.
Niew Amsterdam 1659
Thats So!
W. D. Wilson & Co. Printing Ink Factory, West Avenue, Long Island City
Map of the Sixth Ward in the City of New York
Manhattanville, New York
[Cigar box label.]
Horse-drawn Cart with Hay.
Horse-drawn Cart.
[Warehouses on East 42nd .]
The Charcoal Cart
Nip and Tuck!
The Butter and Milk Man
A Brush on the Road. Mile Heats, Best Two in Three.
[Wm. Zinsser & Co. Inc. warehouse, West 58th Street.].
Twenty First Annual Fair. Castle Garden