An Affair of Honor - A Stray Shot.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Hook and Ladder Gymnastics.
The Darktown Hook and Ladder Corps.
A Fair Start.
All Broke Up.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - A Prize Squirt.
An Anxious Moment.
A Darktown Trotter Ready for the Word.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Under Full Steam.
A Sure Thing. "It's picking up money backing dis yere pup."
Cavalry Tactics, By The Darktown Horse Guards.
A Darktown Donation Party, An Object Lesson.
The Champions of the Ball Racket.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Slightly Demoralized.
Darktown Fire Brigade. The Chief, On Duty.
The Champion Slugger.
The Darktown Othello.
The Coon Club Hunt.
Brer Thuldy's Statue. Liberty Frightenin de World.