Parade, Brooklyn Sunday School.
Wm. A. Brady's 48th St. Theatre
A Few Reasons for Going to Sunday-School.
Wm. A. Crocker & Co. Fancy Goods and Comb Warehouse
In Memoriam - Tammany Hall - Usher
Interior, 115 E. 101st St., Childrens' Sunday School Class.
New York - For President Charles E. Hughes
Easter Anniversary of St. Thomas' Sunday School
St. Thomas's Church Easter Festival of the Sunday School
Usher - Bryan Reception
Outing Timothy D. Sullivan Association
Wm. Astor
Fidelity to your Studies Merits the confidence of your Teachers
Wm. A. Brodie
Wm. Stentzel, Jeweler
Education, Sunday School Outing.
[The bearer has by diligence and attention excelled those of her class in her studies and merits my esteem.]