Steam-Boat Knickerbocker
Steam Ship Washington
New-York and Boston Steam-Boat Company
Awful Conflagration of the Steam Boat Lexington
U.S. Steam Gun Boat "Winona"
Erie Railway Company's Steam Ferry Boat "Pavonia"
Wreck of the U.S.M. Steam Ship "Arctic."
[Seabird, steam boat.]
Awful Conflagration of the Steam Boat Lexington in Long Island Sound on Monday Eveg., Jany 13th 1840, by which melancholy occurrence, over 100 Persons Perished.
Loss of the Steamboat Swallow
The Steam Ship President, Lieut. Roberts R. N. Commander.
The Steam Yacht Anthracite.
The Wreck of the Steam Ship "San Francisco."
[Newspaper article about steam boats.]
Steam fire engine.
Pilot Boat Wm. J. Romer.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Under Full Steam.
Yachts, International Yacht Race, Excursion Boats Following the Races.
Building, New York Steam Co., Cortlandt St.
Pilot Boat Wm. J. Romer, Capt. McGuire.