Newport Beach.
Bound Down the River.
Steam Catamaran - H. W. Longfellow.
Sir Richard Sutton's Celebrated Cutter Genesta, Modelled by J. Beaver Webb.
The Miniature Ship "Red, White, and Blue"
[In the Harbor.]
A Squall Off Cape Horn.
Off the Coast in a Snow Storm.
Whale Fishery.
American Coast Scene, Desert Rock Light House, Maine.
Moonlight on the Mississippi.
Loading Cotton.
On the Mississippi
The Gallant Charge of the Fifty Fourth Massachusetts (Colored) Regiment.
The Sinking of the Steamship Ville du Havre
The Cove of Cork.
Glengariff Inn.
Terrific Combat Between the "Monitor" 2 Guns & "Merrimac" 10 Guns.
City of New Orleans.
William Prince of Orange Landing at Torbay, England.